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Lunar Eclipse Time Utah

Lunar Eclipse Visible in Utah on Election Day Morning

Utahns will have the chance to see a rare astronomical event on Election Day morning, November 8, 2023.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the sunlight from reaching the Moon and casting a shadow on its surface. This particular eclipse will be an annular solar eclipse, which means that the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun, but will not completely block it out. Instead, a ring of sunlight will be visible around the edge of the Moon.

The eclipse will begin at 10:24 am Mountain Time and will reach its peak at 11:33 am. It will be visible from anywhere in Utah, as well as parts of Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.

This eclipse is particularly special because it will be the last annular solar eclipse visible from Utah until October 14, 2077. So, if you're interested in seeing this amazing astronomical event, be sure to mark your calendars and find a spot with a clear view of the sky.
